Ready STA Release Notes [01 Aug 2024]

Hi everyone.

We are continuously bringing new improvements, security updates and features to Ready STA. 

We are pleased to present our latest updates.

Key Changes

  • New Preference to customise RTO prompt text for re-opening a submitted Funding Application
  • Changes to display of Funding Application 'Revert for Editing' button as an STA User
  • Improvements made to multi-stage Funding Application Events
  • Improvements made to display concurrent Events on the RTO Dashboard



New Preferences added to the Administration Dashboard:

  • 'Reopen prompt default' (Category: Funding Application Events)
    • This text is the prompt that an RTO User sees when re-opening a submitted Funding Application (if permitted)
      • As an STA User with 'Edit' Funding Application Event permissions, this preference can be edited
      • As an RTO User, when reopening a submitted Application (if permitted), the confirmation prompt will display as per the preference



Funding Application

  • Revert for Editing
    • STA Portal - display options changed for the 'Revert for Editing' button available to STA within the Funding Application submission
      • As an STA User, the 'Revert for Editing' option will only display where the Funding Application Event attributes have 'Resubmittable' nominated as False. Where 'Resubmittable' is nominated as True, the 'Revert for Editing' button will not be displayed.
  • Multi-stage Funding Application Events
    • STA Portal - New 'Stage' filter in the Funding Applications index/list page
      • As an STA User, when I view the Applications for a multi-stage Event, the 'Stage' filter can be used to filter Applications
    • RTO Portal - New 'Stage' update in addition to existing 'Status'
      • As an RTO User, when a Funding Application submission is made in a multi-stage Event, click on the 'View' button on the RTO Dashboard to see the 'Stage' of the Application

RTO Dashboard

  • Viewing Concurrent (open) Events on the RTO Dashboard
    • Dynamic update of the Funding Application and Contract Variation sections on the RTO Dashboard, depending on open Events where the RTO is a Participant
      • As an RTO User, when viewing the RTO Dashboard, I can see all active Events as a Participant

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