Ready STA Release Notes [29 Aug 2024]

Hi everyone.

We are continuously bringing new improvements, security updates and features to Ready STA. 

We are pleased to present our latest updates.

Key Changes

  • Funding Application/Assessment Rules - lock Rule Set when Event is closed and/or locked
  • Preferences - new Categories added
  • TSNSW - Funding Application and Survey Form changes as a result of UAT feedback


  • No new features in this release


Funding Application/Assessment

  • Assessment Rule Sets are not able to be edited once an Event is closed and/or locked
    • As an STA User, once an Event is closed and/or locked, the Assessment Rules can only be viewed, not edited.


  • New Categories added in Admin > Preferences with related Preferences assigned:
    • Pay Runs
    • Rules

Fixed - Training Services NSW

  • Funding Application (Items 14, 48, 49, 51, 62, 85, 89, 93, 97)
    • Auto update of Equifax FVA results into Assessment outcome (Item 49)
      • As an STA User, when an RTO completes Section B FVA, the Equifax FVA assessment as received via the API, the Pass/Fail result will be updated automatically based on the Equifax assessment.
    • RTO should not be able to recommence/edit a closed Stage of a Survey Form once the Stage has been complete (Item 14)
      • As an RTO User, once a Stage has been submitted and closed, it cannot be edited when recommencing in a subsequent Stage.
    • RTO should not be required to complete FVA based on nominated TGA RTO Types of 21 School-Government, 31 TAFE, 41 University-Government, 51 Enterprise-Government (Item 51)
      • As an RTO User, where the RTO type is one of the exempt values, the Survey Form will automatically move past the FVA Stage onto the Application Stage.
    • Provider contact email address to be collected at time of creation of new Survey Form response (Item 48)
      • As an RTO User, when a new Survey Form response is created, am RTO Application Contact field and text is displayed, to enter in an email address for the STA to use for updates/notifications regarding the Application
    • Hide future stages of the Application Form that the RTO is not yet eligible to submit (Item 93)
      • As an RTO User, only the previous and current Stages are visible in the left menu.
    • Update Survey Form 'Introduction' text and Section C Main Application text (Item 97)
      • As an RTO User, the Introduction Text visible at the commencement of the Survey Form and in Section C is that provided by TSNSW
    • RTO Portal Download PDF - relocate the button to the top of the page for easy access by the RTO (Item 62)
      • As an RTO User, the Download PDF button is accessible for a 'Submitted' Application Form in the 'Actions' menu of the submission (once the PDF has been generated by the STA)
    • Section C Question changes (Items 85, 89)
      • Question 7.5 - wording change
      • Question 7.6 - wording change (dates)


  • Upgrade activerecord-import to 1.7.0
  • Upgrade rack-mini-profiler to 3.1.0
  • Upgrade rack-dev-mark hem to 0.8.0

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