Ready STA Release Notes [12 Sept 2024]

Hi everyone.

We are continuously bringing new improvements, security updates and features to Ready STA. 

We are pleased to present our latest updates.

Key Changes

  • TSNSW - Funding Application and Assessment items as per UAT feedback


  • No new features in this release


  • No function improvements in this release

Fixed - Training Services NSW

Funding Application

UAT Feedback Items 28, 52, 101

  • Relabel multi-stage application Status for RTOs to 'Reopen' (Item 28)
    • As an RTO User, when I have submitted an Application and need to edit and resubmit, the option for 'Reopen' is available. 
  • When an Application is ineligible and the Event is still current, the RTO cannot continue through the Application stages (Item 52 and 101)
    • As an RTO, if deemed ineligible through any part of the multi-stage process, and the Event and Survey Form is current, the RTO cannot resume and/or re-open the Application. 

Funding Assessment

UAT Feedback Items 17, 18, 35, 38

  • Changes on Funding Application Assessments (Items 17, 18, 35 and 38)
    • 'Sensitivity Analysis Required' column renamed to 'Sensitivity Analysis Final Outcome'
    • Final Sensitivity Outcome is no longer blank
    • Question numbering has been updated to reflect new question numbers


  • No new technical items in this release

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